FACT: Virtually every adult human being
gains unhealthy, unwanted weight —
multiple times — throughout life.

#1 Personal Skill
on Earth

—No Pills… —No Patches… —No
Supplements… —No Side Effects…
—No Surgery… —No Drugs…
—No Needles…

(…about 4 minutes of Your time, 9 questions)


…Apologies for the primitive "mouse-drawn" raw mock-up above!

The near-term future of this site is quite simple: we're trying to be the Google of weight loss.... Without the Ads!

(…Except for ours, of-course![The LIFETIME GUARANTEE.com]…lol ⁚∘)

We're in the process of trying to connect the ChatGPT-4 APi so that folks could come here and ask OnDemandWeightLoss.ORG anything regarding weight loss….

…Like: "what factor does insulin resistance play in weight loss?" - "define intermittent fasting" - "what is the relationship between leptin & ghrelin, and how does it impact weight loss?" - "suggest a detailed one week gluten free diet plan for me" - "why is sugar bad?"  etc., etc.

The vision is to have a clean appearance, with the input field dominating the page. (As the drawing above attempts to show.)

Our ETA is early-to-mid-Winter, 2023-'24(?).

That's all for now. And Thanks for visiting!

(If You need weight loss help now, click the big red button to apply.)

(…about 4 minutes of Your time, 9 questions)


865 NE Tomahawk Island Dr #177 Portland, OR 97217

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